SOGO Kai Tak counter exclusive:
Pocketed Coil 100th Anniversary Centennial Classic Mattress at a special price, & an extra $500 off
SOGO Causeway Bay counter exclusive:
Pocketed Coil 100th Anniversary Japan TIGHT TOP Mattress at a special price, & an extra $500 off
SOGO counters exclusive:
BackCare® Vicky Mattress at 12% off, & an extra 3% off
Point of sale:
SOGO Kai Tak Store: 8/F, Tower I, The Twins, 12 Concorde Road, Kai Tak, Kowloon
SOGO Causeway Bay Store: 9/F & 16/F, 555 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Up to 42% off on designated mattress
Other Selected Offers:
Fjords® Senator Recliner at 35% off, limited to 10 units
Beautyrest® Quiet Time Pillow Buy One Get One Free